
Friday, August 28, 2015

Tower of Hanoi

Tower of Hanoi is a recurrent mathematical problem. In recurrence, the solution to each problem depends on the solutions to smaller instances of the same problem.

I'd solved this problem a few years ago. But now, since we talk about functional programming, I decided to solve the problem using Elixir.

Read more about the problem statement here: Tower of Hanoi.

If you want to try it interactively, go here.

Here is my solution:

defmodule TowerOfHanoi do

  def move(1, source, destination, intermediate) do
    IO.puts ["Move ", source, " to ", destination]

  def move(no_of_disks, source, destination, intermediate) do
    move(no_of_disks - 1, source, intermediate, destination)
    IO.puts ["Move ", source, " to ", destination]
    move(no_of_disks - 1, intermediate, destination, source)


I'm updating my GitHub repository (yedhukrishnan/mathematics) with more math problems. Feel free to check them out to suggest improvements or to give comments.