
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Elixir Language (Part 4)


In Elixir, strings are UTF-8 encoded binaries.

What is a binary?

A binary is just a sequence of bytes.  By default, each character in a string is internally represented in memory using 8 bits.

Let's take a simple example. The string "hello" in UTF-8 encoded binary form is 104, 101, 108, 108, 111. As you can see, each character uses a number (code point) between 0 and 255, which is represented with 8 bits or 1 byte.

You can define a binary using <<>> as shown below.

iex> <<0, 1, 2, 3>>
<<0, 1, 2, 3>>
We have the string concatenation operator <> in Elixir, which is actually a binary concatenation operator.

iex> "hello" <> "world"
iex> <<0, 1, 2, 3>> <> <<4>>
<<0, 1, 2, 3, 4>>
Let's see "hello" in Elixir's binary form:

iex> "hello" <> <<0>>
<<104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 0>>
Here, I just used a concatenation operator to append a binary to a string. It converted the string to its internal binary representation.

The unicode standard assigns code points to many of the characters we know. For example, a has code point of 97. Here, as you can see, h has a code point of 104.

All commonly occuring characters have code points between 0 and 255. But there are characters whose code points are above 255, which cannot be represented in memory using a single byte. In the next post, I'll explain how they are represented and stored in memory.

Read more: Binaries, strings and char lists

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Don't be a Slave to Formal Methods

There are so many well-described software development methodologies available: from structured development, CASE tools and waterfall to UML and object orientation.

Remember this. never get addicted to any of them!

It doesn't mean that formal methods are bad. But considering one without putting in your effort to analyse based on the context and developmental practices is a waste.

Don't Be A Slave To Formal Methods

Formal methods have some serious shortcomings:

  • Most of the formal methods use diagrams to capture requirements from the user. No matter how simple it is, most of these look like an 'alien image' to the user. Finally, what the user understands is the designer's interpretation of it. Use prototypes whenever possible and let the user play with it.
  • Formal methods seem to encourage specialisation. One group of people work on one diagram, another group on another.. and it goes on. This leads to poor communication. We prefer to be together and love to understand the whole system we are working on.
  • We like to write adaptable, dynamic systems that allows us to change the character of applications at run-time. Most of the existing methodologies are incapable of doing that.
Should we completely avoid formal methods? No, but analyse before you use. Look at the methodologies critically. Never underestimate the cost of adopting new tools and methods. And also, never think about the cost of the tool when you look at its output. Extract the best out of all.

- summary of Circles and Arrows, from The Pragmatic Programmer: from Journeyman to Master

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Specification Trap

Program specification is an important part of software development. It acts as the bridge between requirements and program development. It is also an agreement with the user - a contract which ensures that the final system developed will be in line with the requirement.

The problem is, some designers find it difficult to stop. They will not be happy until they pin point every single detail of the problem. This is a big risk. Why? These are the reasons:
  • No matter how well you try, different people will have different perspective of the requirements. The user may not get 100% of what he/she really asked. Changes at the last stage will always be there.
  • Pen is mightier than a sword. Languages are powerful. But there are cases where a natural language cannot explain what we need. Don't you agree? Then try writing a set of instructions for this problem: How to tie bows in your shoelaces? You may stop before finishing. Even if you complete it, other people reading the instructions may not get what you meant. Here's a different saying: Sometimes, it is easier done than said!
  • Programmer, who is implementing the requirement might have a better idea to do it. Writing down every detail is like restricting their ideas and creativity.
These reasons don't imply that specifications are bad. There are cases where clear and detailed specifications are required, depending on the working environment and the product you develop.

Rely not only on requirements. Always go for prototypes or tracer bullets. Because, sometimes, it is easier done than said!

- summary of Specification Trap, from The Pragmatic Programmer: from Journeyman to Master

Friday, August 15, 2014

Elixir Language (Part 3)

The Match Operator

In Elixir, we use = operator to assign value to a variable:
iex> x = 1
What's the big deal? Well, in Elixir, = is not just an assignment operator. It's a match operator.
iex> x = 1
iex> 1 = x
As long as the left hand side and the right hand side are equal, Elixir will not complain. But when a mismatch occurs, it raises a MatchError:
iex> 1 = x
iex> 2 = x
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: 1
For assigning value to a new variable, the variable should always be on the left hand side of the operator.

The match operator can be used to destructure complex data structures into its components. Here is an example where Elixir uses pattern matching on a list:
iex> [a, b, c] = [1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3]
iex> a
Here is a common question that pops up in mind when we talk about the match operator. If we are using the expression x = 1 in Elixir. How does elixir know whether we want to do a match or assignment? 

By default, Elixir always performs assignment if the variable is on the left hand side. If you specifically want to perform match, you can use the pin operator (^).
iex> x = 1
iex> ^x = 2
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: 2
Here I explained the parts which I liked the most in Elixir. This is only meant for an introduction into the language. All the examples are taken from the Elixir's getting started guide. 

Read more and learn here: Elixir: Pattern Matching

Monday, August 11, 2014

Elixir Language (Part 2)

Here are the few things I liked about the language at the first glance:

Lists and Tuples

Square brackets are used in Elixir to specify a list of values. They can hold values of multiple data types. 

iex> [1, 2, true, :atom, 3]
[1, 2, true, :atom, 3]
They are represented in memory using linked lists. This means accessing the length of a list is a linear operation.

Tuples, unlike lists, store elements contigiuously in memory. They can also hold values of any type.

iex> {:ok, "hello"}
{:ok, "hello"}
Short-Circuit Operators: and, or

By default, and and or operators are short-circuit operators in Elixir. That means, the right hand side of these operators will be executed only if the left hand side is not enough to determine the result.

iex> false and error("This error will never be raised")

iex> true and error("This error will never be raised")
** (RuntimeError) undefined function: error/1
Here, the first expression returns false because 'false and anything' is always false. But in the second part, the left hand side is not enough to get the result. Hence, it tries to execute the right hand side, and it fails because there is no function called error/1.

In the next part, I'll share what I learned and liked about the match operator in Elixir.

Read more:

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Elixir Language (Part 1)

After listening to the Introduction into Elixir language, by Dave Thomas, in Bangalore Ruby Users Group meetup, I always wanted to learn the language, or at least functional programming part of it. I did a failed attempt the same day evening! Yesterday, I started again with the tutorials. I am sharing some of my learnings here.

Elixir Language

Elixir is a simple, easy to learn functional programming language build on top of Erlang VM. It is a dynamic language which allows metaprogramming and can be used for building concurrent, distributed and fault-tolerant applications with hot code upgrades.

Installing Elixir in Ubuntu/Debian

The only prerequisite for installing Elixir is Erlang, version 17 or later. Precompiled packages are available in Erlang Solutions website. Follow the instructions on their website to install Erlang. Then, install Elixir by cloning their repository and generating binaries:
$ git clone
$ cd elixir
$ make clean test
Make sure to add the bin directory to the PATH environment variable ( Add it to ~/.bashrc file for bash, ~/.zshrc file for ZSH ... )
$ export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/elixir/bin"
This is a distilled version of installation instructions for Debian/Ubuntu users (like me!). Refer the original version for detailed instructions.

In the next part, I'll share the basic constructs I liked in Elixir language on the first day of learning.


Saturday, August 09, 2014

Wait for the Right Moment

Imagine the picture of a lion hiding behind bushes to catch his prey. He is waiting.. waiting for the right moment to jump on to the prey for a perfect catch.

Well, that was a horrible example! It's just to convey this idea: There is always a right time to begin. Learn when to start and when to wait.

We are developers. Listen to the inner voice that whispers to us ‘wait’, before jumping on to the keyboard and start writing the code.You might have a nagging doubt in our mind. Listen to it before proceeding. This may not always be a big deal. Sometimes, it could be just a disturbing thought. Give it some time. It will crystallize into something more solid. Or it will solve the great mystery that prevents you from continuing.

There is always a starting trouble while beginning a new project. But, how do we know if reluctance to start is a good decision, or we are simply procrastinating?

There’s a technique answer the question and solve the problem. If you are not sure when to start or how to start, simply take a part of the problem which you think is difficult to solve. Start developing a prototype for it, which doubles as a proof of concept. This will result in either of the following:

  • You’ll feel that you are just wasting our time. No need to think twice. Throw away the prototype and start working on the actual code.
  • You’ll find that there’s something wrong with the basic premise. You'll also get to know the right way to start with. Your instincts were right. Now you can launch the project in the right direction.

Prototype always helps. This is much more acceptable than simply announcing, ‘I don’t feel like starting’.

- summary of Not Until You’re Ready, from The Pragmatic Programmer: from Journeyman to Master