
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Specification Trap

Program specification is an important part of software development. It acts as the bridge between requirements and program development. It is also an agreement with the user - a contract which ensures that the final system developed will be in line with the requirement.

The problem is, some designers find it difficult to stop. They will not be happy until they pin point every single detail of the problem. This is a big risk. Why? These are the reasons:
  • No matter how well you try, different people will have different perspective of the requirements. The user may not get 100% of what he/she really asked. Changes at the last stage will always be there.
  • Pen is mightier than a sword. Languages are powerful. But there are cases where a natural language cannot explain what we need. Don't you agree? Then try writing a set of instructions for this problem: How to tie bows in your shoelaces? You may stop before finishing. Even if you complete it, other people reading the instructions may not get what you meant. Here's a different saying: Sometimes, it is easier done than said!
  • Programmer, who is implementing the requirement might have a better idea to do it. Writing down every detail is like restricting their ideas and creativity.
These reasons don't imply that specifications are bad. There are cases where clear and detailed specifications are required, depending on the working environment and the product you develop.

Rely not only on requirements. Always go for prototypes or tracer bullets. Because, sometimes, it is easier done than said!

- summary of Specification Trap, from The Pragmatic Programmer: from Journeyman to Master

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