
Friday, December 26, 2014

Pragmatic Teams (Part 2)


Traditional team organization is based on the waterfall model. The team includes individuals who are assigned roles based on different job functions. This is more strict in some cases, where one set of people are not allowed to talk to another!

This is a great mistake. It is a misconception that different aspects of development such as analysis, design, coding and testing can happen in isolation. The decisions taken in such cases may not be accurate.

Organize Around Functionality, Not Job Functions

Dividing based on functionality favours in many ways. When there customer wants to change the database, only one team gets affected. The sense of ownership increases when the team is aware of the fact that only they are responsible for that functional aspect.


A great way to achieve consistency and accuracy. Why do all the work manually when your editor can do a lot of things for you? Automation is an essential part of every process. We'll discuss about that in detail in the coming section

- summary of Pragmatic Teams, from The Pragmatic Programmer: from Journeyman to Master

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